Sending young people out into their world, spiritually nurtured, fed, and equipped to live out their faith and share it with those around them.
About Horizon
Horizon is an annual Christ-centered summer youth conference for High School students. It is hosted at the Bonclarken Conference Center in Flat Rock, NC. Students lodge and attend conferences activities with their church group. There are no camp counselors provided for Horizon.
Our conference includes daily morning and evening large group sessions which consist of games, skits, a time of singing praises to God, and Christ-centered teaching. Morning seminars focus on a variety of theological topics. Throughout the week there are planned fellowship activities and unstructured time for recreation.

Crossings Community Band
For years Brandon Auten and the Crossings Community Church band have led Quest and Horizon in singing during our large group sessions. We welcome them back this year as they lead us in music singing classic, updated hymns to newer contemporary songs to the glory of God. We are thankful to have them with us again!

Rev. Mackay Smith
Mackay serves as the Senior Minister of the First Presbyterian Church (ARP) of Lake Wales, FL. He has spent many years ministering to students in the ARP as a church intern, youth director, pastor, and a member of the Horizon and Question
planning team. Horizon is a week that God has used mightily in his life, and he is excited to bring God’s Word this year.
Mackay and his wife, Rachel, have four daughters and a big, goofy dog.