Work Crew

Sign Up for an account with the ARP Events Bonclarken website above. After logging in, you will be able to select the Work Crew application.

About Work Crew

Young men and women who are Bible-believing, professing Christians and who have completed High School to help with the two weeks of ARP summer youth conferences in Bonclarken (located in Flat Rock, NC). Work Crew is an essential part of our summer conferences! They do behind-the-scenes tasks, run games and evening events, and help serve and lead hundreds or middle and high school students over the span of two weeks.

Contact Tricia Stoker if interested or for more information at

Important Dates:

EARLY APPLICATION DEADLINE: April 1st.  **Bonus pay listed below.

APPLICATIONS DEADLINE: June 1st **As space allows.   

TRAINING WEEKEND: Friday, June 9th-Sunday, June 11th
QUEST (Middle School): June 12th-17th        
HORIZON (High School):  June 19th-24th 


Duties will include set up and clean up for camp activities, assisting with recreational activities, reaching out to the youth, and providing an example for all campers.  Each work crew will be asked to share during devotion time as well.  Work Crew should expect to not get an abundant amount of sleep.


Applicants who apply before April 1st will receive a bonus of $25 per week in their check.  

Regular Pay is $250/week.  

Lodging and Food are both taken care of for all days during the conference. 

Students will be responsible for approximately 3 meals on their own if they stay on-site between weeks.